10 Rules to Capturing ONE WEEK OF YOUR LIFE

  1. 1. You must always and under all conditions take the photographs yourself!
  2. 2. If possible, use a wide angle lens, so that the photographs include as much of the scene as possible. Avoid zooming, go closer instead. Never take photographs with portrait (vertical) orientation, always landscape (horizontal) orientation.
  3. 3. Never include two photographs that were taken at the same time, same place and with the same motive. Remember that the nine photographs should describe your whole day. Divide the day into three time periods – morning, day, evening – and make another three subsections in these periods. One day is always from midnight 00:00:01 to 23:59:59. You don’t need to start the project on Monday and complete it on Sunday, the important thing is to document seven consecutive days.
  4. 4. Don’t forget that you can also take photographs of yourself, either in a mirror, with one arm stretched out or using self-exposure. But under no circumstance should a third person hold the camera! The project represents your view of ordinary and extraordinary life!
  5. 5. Take more photographs rather than less, so that you can choose at the end of the day.
  6. 6. Don’t forget that the most important aspect is the people around you, the people you meet, the situations you get into, the environment, which relates to you somehow, and also animals, objects that pass through your hands or impact you in some way.
  7. 7. If you want to say something about yourself, show where you live, who is your family, who are your friends, where you work, where you go in your free time, what interests you and what worries you, or what you fight against, how and why.
  8. 8. Under each day you can write a short description what happened that day, where it is or what occurred. But you don’t have to write anything at all!
  9. 9. Remember that the whole set should as much as possible express how you felt, what was going on inside you that day. Brightness, colors, composition and choice of themes can all help to express this.
  10. 10. The photographs must be a minimum of 1280 pixels on the longest side. An absolute majority of digital cameras and even most mobile phones satisfy this requirement. The photographs should not be digitally modified if it is not a direct intention of the author to emphasize the meaning of the day. They should not include frames, watermarks or signatures.

Presentation of the weeks at seznam.cz

The largest Czech internet portal   seznam.cz publishes one selected week from the Week of Life project in the TÝDEN ŽIVOTA (WEEK OF LIFE) section of   SEZNAM ZPRAVY every Monday at 12:30 noon. If you want your week to be presented on this portal, you must meet the extended WOL requirements:

  • Using your real first name and surname is required; you must also give consent to the processing and publishing of your first name and surname by checking the box at WoL.
  • The week must be from the Czech Republic or in the Czech Republic to start and end.
  • Weeks must start on Monday and end on Sunday.
  • Your week must be processed and uploaded to the Week of Life project website immediately after it has been finished, i.e. on Sunday evening, but no later than 8 a.m. Monday morning.

If you think you can meet these requirements, contact Week of Life at support@weekoflife.com to discuss this extended presentation in detail.

Week of Life



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