Jiří - User Profile

  • Jiri.Pergl
  • Czech Republic
  • Prague
  • Foundation director
  • Education: Secondary
  • Gender: Male
  • Date of Birth: 1/23/1973
  • Email: jp@asfalt.cz

Mise SOMALIA Border | Foundation director | Czech Republic | 7.2.2011
KENYA NEW help week | Foundation director | Czech Republic | 2.8.2010
Kenya - Help the Ch... | Foundation director | Czech Republic | 12.1.2010
Kenya | Foundation director | Czech Republic | 3.8.2009
Venezuela | Foundation director | Czech Republic | 18.1.2008
24 hod Le Mans | Foundation director | Czech Republic | 11.6.2007
Vietnam | Foundation director | Czech Republic | 8.2.2006
Guatemala | Foundation director | Czech Republic | 2.2.2006
China | Foundation director | Czech Republic | 25.1.2006
Cambodia | Foundation director | Czech Republic | 17.1.2006
Mexico | Foundation director | Czech Republic | 17.1.2005


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