Editor`s Choice

Týden 32. - Bročkův nový střih
With today’s selection, we can say that it finally goes to Ludmila Koresova. She has been shortlisted several times and today is finally the day she becomes the final choice. Especially in the past few weeks, her sets have been of a high standard so it really was a matter of time before one of her photographs appears in the Editor’s Choice strip on the homepage of the Week of Life project. The right moment came with the week named “Brock’s new look haircut”, a black and white week, which is an unusual appearance in the case of this author.
Velká rodina..
The Week of Life project welcomes new members every day and we like to reward newcomers who bring new thoughts and energy with their photographs. On the other side, there are members who basically live for the project and wouldn’t know what to do without out it. These people deserve more than just one Editor’s Choice selection. Sarka Liniskova is one of these enthusiasts and her week “Big family…” is today’s selection. The number of weeks in her portfolio has passed the number 100 a long time ago and she is one of the two people in the world to have documented two years of life in a row. Sarka is a master in documenting ordinary as well as extraordinary moments in life and when she presents her weeks in black and white, a genius combination is formed.
Kaspyho 87.týden - stěhujeme
The persistence of some Week of Life members is for many of us unthinkable. They photograph week by week and submit their sets on a regular basis. A full documented year is usually a milestone they have already achieved. One member from this group is Kamil Kasparek. On top of it all, his weeks are of top quality and his portfolio includes pictures fit for art exhibitions. Kamil focuses his artistic efforts on his family and we can date back his images all the way to the point when his son was still in his mother’s belly. Another one of Kamil’s weeks honored with the Editor’s Choice is called “Kaspy’s 87th Week – we’re moving” and shows an important change in his family life.
týden na wol, week můj!
Petr Pink is a familiar face to most of the Week of Life members. He has been active for over two years now, and the amount of weeks he has photographed has passed the number 60. The trend is still the same – the more we photograph, the better we get. In his current week named “Mine!”, Petr has displayed his creativity with color, adding another positive aspect to his set, next to the rich content. Just like many of you, Petr actively participated in the “Země česká, domov Tvůj!“ film project (directed by Adolf Zika, founder of WoL) and therefore documented his life in two different ways, shown in the photograph representing this Editor’s Choice selection.
Druhý - bacil a svatba
Recently, a female member with the name Dareen joined the Week of Life project. Besides the fact that she lives in Brno, Czech Republic, and states freelance artist as her profession, we don’t know much about her. Who she really is and how she lives is gradually uncovered in her photos as well as in the descriptions beneath. The week called Second – Germs and a wedding, has uncovered another piece in the mystery behind this member and showed us how the author perceives her surroundings. We must say that it is certainly interesting. We already know that she loves skirts, music or photography and can’t wait till her next week, which will hopefully disclose even more.


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