Editor`s Choice

New Week
Israel is a nation which attracts tourists with its historical sites and religion. This is what ends up on the final images when we visit this country as visitors. Here at WoL, we have seen several sets that portray this touristic perspective, but how does Israel look from the angle of a native citizen? That is something a tourist will not be able to document in just seven days. However, today, we have the chance to see the first week coming from this nation. With his week called New Week, Diago Mesia has widened our list of participating nations to 43. Diago has shown us that life in Israel is not only about religion, but also about common folk and ordinary life, still a little secretive to a weekend tourist, making this week even more interesting.
Kuchyně v rekonstrukci
First, she became a Week of Life Master, then she finished documenting an entire year of life and now her contributions are more or less sporadic. We are talking about Lenka Puzmanova, who is well known to most of the Week of Life members. Her weeks have quality written all over them and her newest week called Kitchen under reconstruction is no exception. The name suggests what the main topic of the week is and despite this hectic period, Lenka kept to her traditions and included her trademark photo – the look from her window.
"32" ze života jedné Nohy "Zimní"
Jan Nozicka is a well known member. Sadly, lack of time prevents Jan to post his weeks more often and each new set is some sort of a unique blessing. Documented images and perfect quality are in Jan’s case perfectly correlated. It doesn’t matter if his weeks are in color, black and white, or made with and SLR or a compact camera. The end product is always a creative angle on life. And since Jan is a big supporter of the Week of Life project, he attended the first ever official WoL members meeting, where he used the opportunity to take a photo of Adolf Zika, the founder of this project. This picture shows best how great this entire week is.
Bylo by pěkný si za rok říct, že tímhle weekem začal můj první YoL
‘It would be nice to come back in a year and say this week started my YoL’. Lucie Zelena selected this long name for her new week, the first in 2012. We can already say that this potential year would be very interesting. Lucie is the perfect example of how today, young people have access to a wide range of technologies and are easily able to document their colorful and nearly stress-less lives. Good luck to Lucie in her aspirations to become the next in line having a completed photographed Year of Life.
Černobílý leden
Black and white definitely has its charms among our members and the next line to show that the levels of grey are more popular than color is Vlada Holoubek. He didn’t go far into his imagination and simply named his week Black and White January, his 4th week overall with roughly a 2 month pause in-between each set, allowing us to compare how the author lives during the year. In this week, we can see some interesting images full of miscellaneous activities. In addition, compliments to the author for his great technique and the whole arrangement of the set.


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