Editor`s Choice

Jan Zeman has been a member of this project for only 4 months and already has 15 weeks on his profile. His weeks are all numbered in a precise numerical series, a typical and recognizable signature of this author. It almost seems as a banality to say that all of you are constantly improving! Jan is one of the examples and his 15 th week in the series has attracted our attention so much, that we had to award him the Editor’s Choice for today. Perhaps there is only one small thing to criticize. Jan’s week would be even better with at least a small description beneath each day.
padesátý třetí týden - YOLový
Gabca, a kindergarten teacher, has been a member of the Week of Life project for over a year now. Immediately after joining, she jumped onto the photography wagon and as of this week, she has documented an entire year of her life. She joins the group of members who have achieved the same. This group is quite big by now, however, not all of the members have photographed and whole year from day one. Others had to do a trial week or two before deciding to go all the way to document a full year and so Gabca’s achievement that more valuable. This past year, we had a chance to follow the life of a teacher surrounded by children, an integral part of her life. We hope that this is not the last week we see from this author, since this ever more frequent rule applies once again – the longer you are an active member in this project, the better photographer you are.
Jirka Skaloud is an honest documentary photographer and shows it in every one of his weeks in the Week of Life project. His last Editor’s Choice selection was given to his 44 th week. 11 photographic sets later, the selection was given to his week named 55 th. Black and white layout, excellent technical quality and interesting content are just some of the things these two weeks have in common. His weeks are recognizable even without his name tag and not only because of the frequent images of his children and their cat. These aspects are an inherent part of Jirka’s life as well as his documented weeks, showing us the insights from his family life week after week.
(0060) Od rybářského maratonu po Královu řeč
Frantisek Spacek is one persistent man. His account holds nearly 60 weeks, labeling him one of the most active members of the Week of Life project. Still, up to now, he lacked the Editor’s Choice selection. This changes now with his 60 th week, called “(60) From a fishing marathon to King’s Speech”. Frantisek is a very active person and it shows in his interesting weeks. Besides his everyday activities, he is able to document life from a very specific place – images from police and firemen interventions are proof enough. Frantisek will surely keep on being persistent and soon, we will all be witness to his 100th week.
... štyridsiaty ...
Stefania Spisakova has been selected for the Editor’s Choice several times, yet we have to highlight one of her weeks once again. Her currently 40 th week is somewhat of a milestone, but in Stefania’s case we’re sure to see many more milestones and hopefully a full Year of Life. So what about the week itself? It is of high standard both content wise as well as on the technical side, glaring with a Spring atmosphere. A combination of everyday life with a number of details is certainly a great sight.


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