Спасибо всем за комментарии!!желаю вам наилучших успехов!!
Ольга | 11/8/2010 9:48:24 AM
Nice. I like the photo 5 on Saturday very much! JF
Yaya | 11/7/2010 3:33:46 PM
great week..... nice. :-)
Marek Velechovský | 11/7/2010 8:35:26 AM
неужели это Москва?! действительно "вечер, день, личная жизнь, любовь, натюрморт, обед, работа, счастье, тени, чувства, я"
Аня | 11/6/2010 1:42:55 PM
Очень понравилось Воскресенье. Хорошая творческая неделя. Творческих успехов Вам Ольга...
Aleksey | 11/6/2010 4:44:22 AM
Wednesday no.8 is very strong idea, I like pictures with some kinfd of secret!
Romek Hanzlík | 11/5/2010 11:20:39 PM
Very interesting set.
Jan | 11/5/2010 12:00:22 PM
Welcome to the Week of Life project. I think that you have shown us a perfect week from the life of an artist. The whole week is great, starting with wednesday which is totally amazing.
Petr | 11/5/2010 11:26:41 AM
Wow! I went through 4 times and still do not have enough. Perfect week, so tender and full of art... Welcome to WoL!
Coccinelca | 11/5/2010 9:21:28 AM