Okinawa week - 28. 4. 2018
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Hodnotenie 4,40
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28. 4. Sobota
29. 4. Nedeľa
30. 4. Pondelok
1. 5. Utorok
2. 5. Streda
3. 5. Štvrtok
4. 5. Piatok
Set tohto užívateľa obsahuje popis dňa v inom jazyku, ako je jazyk stránky, ktorú teraz používáš. English
I had a vacation in Okinawa islands. There are many islands in Okinawa and I and my husband met here some years ago. I recommend these islands for everyone! The atmosphere is so nice and you can relax. I stayed in Taketomi island on first day. The streets are covered with coral sand and houses are nice and old.
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Prihlásenie Registrácia

this is so Exotic for me from small village:) lovely place

Kamil Kašpárek | 5/28/2018 10:02:07 PM

Thank you so much to see my week! Okinawa is so nice place and I hope these islands keep beautiful in the future. Please come to Okinawa!

Junko | 5/15/2018 3:24:44 PM

Nice :)

Jan Vrba | 5/15/2018 12:08:58 PM

Really nice week. Amazing shots for me from exotic place and it looks like great spend time. Congratulation.

Miroslav Dušánek | 5/15/2018 9:10:03 AM

Great week ... Okinawa is very beautiful ... islands is 113 ... which will be next?

Zdeněk Kamrla | 5/14/2018 9:58:48 PM

Very nice week, gorgeous photos...

Alena Letochová | 5/14/2018 12:17:00 PM

Very, very nice week. The nature is beautiful! I like the Sundays 7th photo :-) Many greetings to Japan.

Lenka Pužmanová | 5/14/2018 9:39:27 AM

Okinawa week - 28. 4. 2018