My week - 16. 1. 2010
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Hodnotenie 4,25
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16. 1. Sobota
17. 1. Nedeľa
18. 1. Pondelok
19. 1. Utorok
20. 1. Streda
21. 1. Štvrtok
22. 1. Piatok
Set tohto užívateľa obsahuje popis dňa v inom jazyku, ako je jazyk stránky, ktorú teraz používáš. English
I´m testing blood samples of my patients. With my colleagues during the lunch break. Hospital round. I go shopping to Tuskys In the middle of Nairobi. At my relatives. Going home.
Musíte byť zaregistrovaný pre pridávanie príspevkov.
Prihlásenie Registrácia

This is really interesting week, thank you, Mr. doctor. Please, take my sympathy and sorrow with your mother...

Jana Jirušová | 3/23/2010 6:25:56 PM

Thank you, this is real hard life!

Miki | 2/7/2010 4:44:35 AM

I am glad I saw your set.... thanks a lot!

Martina | 2/2/2010 11:54:22 PM

I have a pleasure to welcome doctor Martin from Nairobi in our family Week of Life. I am pleased to see the first set from Africa and I would like to say that in this case the creative aspect of the photographs is not on the first place. I am glad to see that even if his life is not easy and is devoted to his patients affected by AIDS, he found a while and felt like to take photos of his week. Thank you, Adolf Zika and his team Week of Life.

Adolf Zika | 1/29/2010 11:07:21 PM

I'm sorry for your mother.

Petr | 1/29/2010 12:01:48 AM

Je mi ctí přivítat na WOL pana doktora Martina z Nairobi. Děkuji mnu touto cestou za první set z Afriky a rád bych na tomto místě řekl, že zde jde stranou veškeré výtvarno a případná fotografická exhibice a snad ani není vhodné hodnotit tyto pohledy. Jsem moc rád, že při starostech jaké mu život v Nairobi a práce s nemocnými AIDS přináší, si vůbec našel čas a náladu na vytvoření tohoto týdenního dokumentu. Děkuji. Adolf Zika a celý tým WOL

Adolf Zika | 1/28/2010 9:34:11 PM

It must be difficult to face the everyday suffering of your patients. You are like an angel who is there to help people who don´t have a choice to live a better life and that´s the best thing a person can do.

Coccinelca | 1/28/2010 3:41:42 PM

My week - 16. 1. 2010