gansu china - 18. 3. 2010
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Sun, thank you for your comment... you have really nice people and scenery here!

Jana Jirušová | 3/27/2010 11:09:34 PM

甘肃我没去过呢,有机会一定去看看! 好人文,好记录!学习

xiong | 3/26/2010 4:48:50 PM

Nice landscape:o)

Coccinelca | 3/22/2010 11:33:13 AM

Finally, a set of pictures is from Beijing 798 factory, is the artist's place

sun | 3/20/2010 4:12:57 PM

These images reflect the brother and friends of the trip, in northwestern China's gansu and sichuan, we went to a place called the 合作, is Tibetan areas, and friends gather together drink , meat, very happy. We went to the flower lake, and is called the small Swiss LangMu temple, met at the festival, also visited the living buddhas. thanks Irena bucharova, Adolf zika

sun | 3/20/2010 4:05:10 PM

Great week, thanks for sharing, it is so interesting to see the people and life in such a distant country. Can you put some comments too?

Irena | 3/20/2010 1:28:38 PM

I just wanted to ask you, which part of Chine is on your pictures in this set? Thank You Adolf

Adolf Zika | 3/20/2010 9:21:40 AM

gansu china - 18. 3. 2010