Editor`s Choice

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Not every day is the best day of your life full of experience and exciting adventures. Sometimes we are simply bored and it is solely up to us how we deal with it. How Tomáš Šimek dealt with boredom is portrayed in his second week with a self-explanatory name ‘boring week’. We, however, were not bored and can claim without hesitation that he managed to document his life extremely well.
týden s novým foťákem
Fall is certainly an odd season, namely due to having two sides. First, the affable one, which attracts even the ‘non-hikers’ with its characteristic variety of colors to take a walk in what nature has to offer. And then there is the second one, the sad and bleak opposite, causing anxiety and depression. And it is exactly the second darker side which best describes the week of David Alessi, who in his set called ‘The week with a new camera’ chose colors specific for this murky time of the year. It’s apparent he got acquainted with his new camera very well and we’ll see in what light he’ll portray his upcoming weeks.
We need to confess to being a little surprised when we realized that Václav Pavliček has already documented 14 weeks of his life and in addition, his last sets follow consecutively one after the other. It was however a pleasant surprise and we admire his honest approach to documenting his life, since we can clearly see what went on during each of the 24 hour periods. And finally, his last week named ‘By leaps and bounds’ has caught our attention thanks to the styling, specific for its close attention to detail.
6. pokus, černobílý, výhra nad 4/3
In his 6th week, Pavel Žídek decided to alter his style and presented his life in black & white variation. As he said himself, he wanted to try something new and it has paid off. The week is a success and we admire his ability to ‘think in black and white’, since it is not always easy when you are used to color. The whole week however suggests that this form of photography was a welcome and enjoyable experience and that’s what is important. Documenting life should always be a pleasant activity, so that when you look back at the days and weeks captured in the photos, you remember the positive moments, even though fate can sometimes play the cruelest of games with us.
Despite Sun’s life still being a little mystery, one thing is for certain – he is an excellent photographer and a travelling enthusiast, who always documents a unique destination and lets us visit lives of the local residents. This time, we were given the chance to visit one of the largest Chinese provinces called Xinjiang. This region is not only known for its large deserts, but also for its extreme climate conditions, making it a difficult area to live in. We are truly glad that we were able to ‘taste’ the Ujgur delicacies with our eyes and enjoy the local atmosphere along with it.


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