Editor`s Choice

Život Mr. Woodyho
There is certainly no doubt that from time to time, even adults like to play. Kamélie Rettová can be considered as one of these playful adults, as in her newest week, she presented a wooden doll named Mr.Woody as a main character in her Week of Life and let the doll do all the steps, actions and thoughts for her. It was a successful attempt and even though we see a ‘non-living’ doll instead of her, we immediately know what this young lady was up to in the 7 days. This week is a job well done and at the same time, brings something new not only to her sets, but the project as a whole.
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We can once again confirm that simple things often hold great value and precisely this value is evident from the newest week of Jiří Hrdlička called ‘common and ordinary’. Jiří documented a week of a man who goes to work every day, has a girlfriend, takes care of his dog and from time to time, goofs of a little with his camera in his hand to add that extra spark to his life. The photographs as well as its content make his week ever so sincere.
Týden 8
In revealing yet another part of his life, Jan Topinka’s eighth appearance on Week of Life has shown us that his weeks are not only of great quality, but are also quite entertaining. These were some of the reasons why we selected Jan’s week for the Editor’s Choice without hesitation. He has shown us that he is more than capable of using a camera and never struggles to find a new angle through which he portrays his life.
Přelom roku
Each week selected for the Editor’s Choice is often full of aspects that are hard to put into words. The same goes for the week of Roman Jirků. Artistically, he did a great job and managed to include that something extra, which makes us revisit his week again and again. Roman entered the Week of Life project with style and we will be looking forward to his second attempt with great anticipation.
Number 1.
Jiří | Swimmer, | Australia | 12/28/2010
The premier week of Jiří Jedlička is the light among the swarm of gloomy weeks covered with snow and it gives us the feeling as if it were documented several months back. The opposite is true however and his ‘Number 1’shows us the life of people who do spend Christmas and the last day of the year on a board, though this time not overcoming snow-covered hills, but rather battling the wildest of ocean waves on a surf board. Jiří really approached the documentation of his set with great honesty and dedication to rules. Individual photos even show that discovering the Australian shore and its culture was an entertaining task for him. We look forward to visiting his swimming practices in his next sets.


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