Editor`s Choice

Galapagos to Home
Santiago Robles’ week is a welcome addition to the project for three different reasons. As a citizen of Mexico, he has made it possible for a 34th country to take part in the project. Moreover, he documented his week based on the purchase of our WoL Magazine, assuring us that the work we put into publishing it is worth it. And lastly, he amazed us with the destination he chose to photograph for his first week of life. The Galapagos Islands (directly translated as Turtle islands) is one of the wonders of nature and home to a variety of animals impossible to see anywhere else in the world. We can only envy Santiago as he had the chance to get close and enjoy the experience of a lifetime. We are however more than happy to join him on his adventures and enjoy this exotic region thanks to his photography.
Yulia | Designer, | Russia | 10/2/2010
The week of Yulia Shipova is diverse not only with color, but with the content itself, introducing us to her private life, as well as life pursuing her career. And as it has become a habit when browsing through sets of Russian members, we are taken to places of a certain interest to her and see the people that cross her path along the way. In this week, and in the two previous ones before that, Yulia has showed dedication to documenting her life, one of the main reasons we have decided for her to be displayed among others previously selected for the Editor’s Choice.
The picturesque French countryside with the hospitality and kindness of its people, who enjoy chatting with a glass of good wine in their hand served with pieces of delicious cheese, is altogether an experience to remember. We have had the chance to witness such atmosphere in the week of Pavel Zukal, as his photographic documentation takes us to these calm and pleasant places typical for life outside the city.
Irina | Student, | Russia | 9/18/2010
Irina Ahmetova’s week filled with colors of the fall season has opened the gate to the world of colorful combinations and miscellaneous scents, specific for this season of the year. Irina’s touch for altering and arranging photographs has made her week a sight to remember and despite her set not fulfilling the rules of the project 100%, we simply had to pick her for today’s Editor’s Choice due to her artistic approach.
Осень внутри
Юлия | Student, | Russia | 9/18/2010
In the last few days, we were flooded by new Russian sets and despite being positive about the quantity, we have realized a few things with regards to quality. Each new country that actively joins the project brings along hard work, much needed effort and a lot of patience, especially concerning rules which members should abide by when capturing 63 photographs. We have looked the other way in some cases, however, we can’t (and don’t want to) do it with all of new sets. With today’s selection of the Editor’s Choice, we would like you to focus attention on the first week of Juno Magritte, one who more or less fulfilled the criteria of WoL and at the same time amazed us with some fascinating images.


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