Editor`s Choice

konec září 2012
Týden keramické zabijačky
David Papanek is one of the authors to provide weeks where we can be sure to receive quality and interesting images. He has provided once again in his latest week called appropriately “Anniversary”. This is David’s 10th week and everyone who follows his work in the Week of Life project knows this isn’t his first Editor’s Choice selection. David has proved to us on several occasions that he has a flair for photography and documenting life in particular, creating a sense of eagerness for his weeks in many of us.
Roční inventura kyčle po TEP
Some time ago, Miroslav Dusanek came with a week that blew us all away by what he was able to document. He was forced to undergo a pelvis surgery, yet he photographed every bit of it, day by day, all the way through his recovery. “A yearly checkup of my pelvis after TEP” is the name of current week from Miroslav. Both of the mentioned weeks show the importance of the project, as he now has everything thoroughly documented - moments in life that would have otherwise remained just a memory of Miroslav and his closest ones.
Rob | None, | Slovakia | 5/14/2012
Today we virtually travel to meet Rob Melicher, today’s selection. In his third week called Macedonia, he presents his journey to this destination as the name suggests. This country is not far away from the Czech Republic, yet it’s not really a classic tourist destination. Based on the photographs, Macedonia has a lot to offer and Rob has proves that point. Black and white presentation is a good fit in this case and gives this week the atmosphere of a classic document.


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