Editor`s Choice

Prázdninový III.
Even listeners go on vacation! This is one way of putting together Lukas Augustyn’s profession with the name of his week. Older members of the Week of Life project know what to look for in Lukas Augustyn’s weeks and enjoy them to the fullest. He depicts this already well known environment with such ease that it almost seems as if people around him had no idea there is someone with a camera in the vicinity. At first, Lukas was fond of documenting weeks in color, but lately he prefers weeks in black and white. We can all agree that his environment and black and white photography are a good fit.
pohoda alebo etapy v živote ženy ...
In the last few weeks, Editor’s Choice selections were dominated by weeks in color. This dominant position of color is broken today by a pure black and white set from Zuzana Bobovnikova, who is rarely seen around the project these days, but when she is active, her weeks are full of quality and well worth it. This time it’s her 34th week called “Peace aka stages in the life of a woman…”, in which she shows all of us that she has a delicate photographic eye.
tábor Povodně
Most of us remember long summer vacations spent at camps filled with adventures. These memories usually come from our childhood, but some of us keep enjoying these moments in our adult years. Alena Kratochvilova is one of these adults and shows it in her fifth week called “One at camp”. Besides the basic camp rituals, activities and cooking in poor conditions, this is a week with a dose of adrenaline. Weather was not on their side and the atmosphere was ruined by strong rains and subsequent floods in the camp. Alena was able to photograph events that for many of us happen once in a lifetime.
Italský sborový týden
Summer is a season of travelling and many of us choose the seaside as our destination. Lukas Vesely also made this decision and traveled south in the beginning of the summer holidays to enjoy the seaside, but more importantly to begin his 8-day tour with the Czech Boys Choir in Lombardy, Italy. His week offers entertainment, trips to nature, sightseeing of random architecture, free time and mainly choir singing. It must have been a great experience for the members of the choir, but for the Week of Life members, it is not only about quality pictures, but we can all see what happens during such an eventful tour.
Převážně festivalový
David Papanek has been a member of the Week of Life project for two years. In this period of time, he submitted 7 weeks. In comparison to other members, this number isn’t large, but we can be assured that the weeks are full of quality and excellent content. The same goes for his week “Festival mainly”, in which David captured the atmosphere of a famous cultural event, the Karlovy Vary International Film festival. His amazing photographs are a great form of invitation to other Week of Life members to attend the festival next year.


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