Editor`s Choice

3x3 | Mnoho dní poté ..
Recently, our project has experienced incoming weeks from members who submitter several weeks some time ago and then went mute. These weeks are a welcome reminder for the regular members and a new experience for the newer members. Jan Dvorak is one of those members who now comes back with his fifth week called “3x3 Many days later.” It’s interesting to see the changes in his life after being away for 4 months and as it seems, these changes were rather significant!
13-ka - Loučení
The last name Klusonova is famous among the members of this project. It belongs to sister Yveta and Adush. And today, the Editor’s Choice goes to Adush. Her portofilio doesn’t include as many weeks as her sister’s, still, her new weeks are under the radar. We, as spectators, have the opportunity to watch the mingling of the lives of two sisters and how they get along so well, a rare occurrence in sibling relationships these days.
Pobakalářský stav bez tíže
Martin Kabrt is relatively new to the Week of Life project, yet he has been a member for for more than two years. He now presents himself with only his second week, half a year apart from his first week. The premiere week sure was interesting, however, his second one, called Post-Bachelor state of serenity, was immediately selected for today’s Editor’s Choice. The week is very rich in content and quality-wise, it is also at a very high level. Congratulations to Martin and we look forward to the next ‘episode’.
docela barevny...
For many of us, seven is a lucky number and that is exactly the amount of weeks in the portfolio of Martina Berini, author of today’s Editor’s Choice. The week, which starts with the first school day, is called ‘relatively colorful..’ and fully catches the atmosphere of an ending summer and upcoming fall season. Martina has a perfect feel for capturing children’s activities and details that surround us every day; something that is very hard to document for many other photographers.
My first week
Stepanka Fischerova, a new member in the project, has presented her first week and named it ‘My first week’. By doing so, she joined one of the biggest groups in the project – students. On several occasions, we have witnessed that students share a fresh and unique take on things, applicable to photography as well. Stepanka is not an exception and through her cell phone camera, she captured interesting images from her life and presented them in black and white form. Don’t look for technically perfect images; rather focus on the captured moments you hardly experience once you cross over to the life of an adult.


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