Editor`s Choice

Four - Week of Hot Dispair... and some kids :-)
How can we be masters of our own time and alone decide when to start working and when to finish? The answer is perfectly demonstrated in the week of Veronika Susmannová, whose profession as a translator gives her a certain amount of freedom and fills her weeks with a different flavor every time. Her weeks are interesting typically due to their richness in color and especially the details, perhaps so very emphasized due to her spending vast amounts of time at the computer, focusing on the items that surround her. And when a person gets a little creative when documenting them, we can witness some fascinating sets, just like in the case of Veronika.
1st week
While browsing through Sergei Rogozkin’s week, we immediately thought of the superb street photographer, Elliott Erwitt. Both of these men share a similar sentiment regarding photography. So, on behalf of the project, we were delighted to welcome Sergei, who is a distinguished fi gure of street photography in the region beyond the Urals, and feast our eyes upon his artistic ability to capture an important part of his everyday life: the atmosphere in the streets of Ekaterinburg.
Life in Beijing
Life in Beijing. Lukas Hlavac couldn’t have chosen a better name for his week of life. He managed to document a variety of things. Crowds, smog, nightlife, life on the street, but most importantly, his own life. When Viking these photographs, we were overwhelmed by a bulk of information immediately on day one and, after going through all 63 photos, we can easily say that we have learned quite a lot about Beijing, as well as about Lukas. And if he keeps his promise that this will not be his last act on WoL, we can eagerly wait to see where he will take us next.
Obyčejný týden
Experiencing the lives of people from different corners of the world, getting acquainted with diverse cultures, exploring the hidden/mysterious background of various professions, tasting exotic cuisine – each is an equal part of the project’s mission, slowly but surely fulfilling its purpose. Through Jaroslav Benda’s week, we were able to travel to the Arabian Peninsula, specifically to Yemen. It is evident that even a single, honestly-documented set discloses so much about a given country and its inhabitants. So, take a walk around Yemen markets alongside Mr. Benda and savor the local atmosphere.
Po osmé
Today, we would like to highlight the black and white art of Jan Nožička, who will most likely never stop amazing us with his creativity and playfulness. The way he documented his last two weeks of life only confirms the fact that we are dealing with a Master of Photography here, able to ‘speak’ in colors, as well as in b&w implementation. No other words are necessary, perhaps only: ‘Feast your eyes’.


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