Editor`s Choice

Takhle v červnu
Milan | IT, | Czech Republic | 5/31/2010
‘In time of June’ is how Milan Novák named his first week, impressing not only our editor’s office with his debut, but surely also many of you. His black and white / colored set fulfills the main idea behind the project and in addition, its implementation shows that the author can easily visualize what happens in the world around him. Even though he supplied individual days with a commentary, in this case, it was of a secondary meaning. The 9-photograph mosaic perfectly describes the events and commotions of each day, which is (and we are sure that you will agree with us) not at all easy.
nesmele zacatky..
Meeting a new member of WoL has almost become a daily habit. Every new addition draws a smile upon our faces, since every week is interesting and characteristic in its own way, making it ever so hard for us to decide who to acknowledge for the Editor’s Choice today. In the end, we have chosen the ‘modest beginnings’ of Kateřina, who is yet to unfold her full name and we can hope to expect that her first week will not be her last, as that would be a real shame. Do not be fooled by the name of the week however. Despite that it is Kateřina’s first attempt of photographing her week, her beginnings are not at all modest. The appealing details hint at the presence of the author’s creativity and we can only remain eager and look forward to what she will surprise us with next.
V pracovním nasazení
In his four previous weeks, Jan Novotný has introduced us mainly to his family and friends. This time, he guides us on the tour of his work place, spiced up by humor and interesting images in particular. We have the chance to know Jan better with every new week, but that is the case with everyone else as well. Therefore, we are delighted whenever a first week (usually called ‘Trial week’ or ‘First attempt) results in a second week, third and so on, till you realize that you wouldn’t be able to imagine your days without the ever-present camera.
Roman | Worker, | Slovakia | 5/22/2010
The week of Mr. Holý is intriguing at first sight, especially due to the richness of color, with tone of red standing out and creating the feeling as if we viewed his photographs while the sun was setting down. The overall atmosphere is nicely supplemented by interesting images, by which he depicts not only his own existence, but also life of local residents living in the small city of Nemšová, unique in the sense that it is simultaneously the smallest and youngest city in the region of Považí.
My first week
Job | Journalist, | Kenya | 3/7/2010
It is not the first week to zoom in on life of the Kenyan people, but with journalist Job Weru we have the opportunity to explore this land from a slightly different angle. We have already come across unfortunate lives of children where destiny compelled them to life in an orphanage or cast AIDS upon them. We have seen the life of a doctor that attends to kids and adults alike suffering from this horrible disease. This time, we can witness the tribe of the Samburu, also referred to as Loikop or Golden Masai, whose lands are normally inaccessible for ordinary tourists travelling to Kenya


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