Editor`s Choice

pingyao, shanxi, china
Today we would like to use Editor’s choice to welcome a new member and also the first week of life from the most populated country of the world. As you may suspect, it’s Yonghua Wang from the People’s Republic of China. Exoticism and beauty are surely the first things that come to mind while looking at his set. For the time being, Yonghua introduces us to the colors of China. We are, however, hoping and looking forward to his next week, which would show the ordinary and extraordinary life of an IT expect in PRC.
Poslední lednový
We’ve seen a bag of black and white weeks break open lately. It’s strange, as if you initially feared presenting your life using only the two basic colors of the whole color scheme life offers us. But this elegant combination suits many of you and in evidence of this, today’s Editor’s choice features the set of Jan Watzek. In his case a colorful caterpillar turned into a beautiful black and white butterfly, which bedazzles with its creativity, diversity and most of all, incredible shift in photographic style.
Haiti / Miami ... worlds apart
Today’s editor’s choice relates to an event that has shaken the world and has affected hundreds of thousands of lives and will probably affect even more in the future. Yes, your guess is correct, we’re talking about the earthquake in Haiti. One Week of Life member, photographer Tomas Loewy, set out to Haiti while capturing another of his week of neverending parties. Thanks to this, his week has a very interesting character, which is contrast. Entertainment and human suffering.
Můj týden ^^
If one doesn’t have a cell phone in today’s world, it’s as if one does not live. And in the case of our teenagers, this is twice as true. Young Annie Drbohlavová used it to photograph most of her nicely crazy and playful week; she has invited us into the world of a younger generation that slowly sprouts fresh and inventive sets. One must respect the lower quality of the photographs, as the life they document is much more important. We hope that in the future, cell phones will be useful aids in cases where it’s not possible to photograph using a normal camera.
Nezouvejte se
Week of life, which we chose to include as today’s Editor’s choice is original not only with its name but most importantly, with its unusual composition, which we hope will stay typical for its author, Eva Staňková. The overall impression of the whole set is enforced by the inclusion of one color photograph a day. It makes you wonder what it is about that one photograph in each day that it deserved to be differentiated from the eight others with color. Intention or coincidence?


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