Editor`s Choice

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This year’s strange winter gives rise to so many amazing weeks, such as the one created by Pavlína Jandová. Being on maternity leave, she photographed with the help of her children and together they created a lovely week, in which they focused on children’s joy and beautiful details from nature.
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The essential feature of the charismatic week of Mr. Vladimír Brunton is movement. He even captures himself always during some activity. His photographs are lively and record moments, which will never repeat again in the same way. When looking through Vladimír Brunton’s photographs you will realize how precious some of the moments in our lives are and how astonishing the power of photography is.
a week in tropics
Nadya | Designer, | Samoa | 11/19/2009
Samoa. Such a remote country and such an amazing feeling that Week of Life reached even such distances. With her week, Nadya Domashneva enabled us to have a peek into the lives of people living in a country many of us perceive as exotic. A country, which is distinguished by sun, exotic fruit, beautiful flowers and high air humidity, as many photographs show. For many of us, Samoa is a tourist destination, however Nadya lives here and shares her life with us.
zaznamenáno mobilním telefonem
Capturing a week of your life doesn‘t require special gadgets or the best equipment. A mobile phone with a built-in camera will do just fine. Radek Štumpauer tried this out and created a stunning black and white set, where even ordinary things become appealing. In this case it‘s no loss that the photographs are not sharp. On the contrary, an overall look at the individual days gains a softness, which soothes the eye. It is evident that Radek Štumpauer loves photography and enjoys documenting his life to the maximum.
Seattle in November
Life in Seattle captured in a set of beautiful photos in which one can almost smell all the fallen leaves. Photos full of action and tension interchange with calm photos full of detail and colors. Even though the author captures his family only rarely, he gives us a very good insight into details of his life.


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