Editor`s Choice

autumn week
Federico | Designer, | Italy | 9/25/2009
One's attention is captured at the very first glance by Federico Ciamei's set due to its unusual atmosphere. His photographs seem to be hidden in a misty haze, giving the feeling that you are looking at photos that are several decades old. As the very first person in the Week of Life family, Federico captured his week on ordinary photographic film! Contributing and preserving the magic of non-digital photography at the very same time--an excellent idea!
My Week
Stanko | Teacher, | Croatia | 5/2/2009
There is something strangely magical about Stanko Abadzic’s set, something that attracts us, making us constantly wonder about his photographs and search for the undiscovered. Could it be his playful use of shadows? Or his ability to creatively express beauty? It’s difficult to say but that notwithstanding, Stanko Abadzic serves us his life with devilish ease, as if life with a touch of art was commonplace.
září okolo mne
A week full of art and tenderness. Black and white photos softly blend with colored ones without interfering with the overall impression. Photograph of a pregnant woman that is partially covered with sun rays is absolutely amazing. This is exactly one of the views why Week of Life was created.
Život na Šumavě
Daniel Kaifer’s week is like a chronicle of people living in a small town in the very center of Šumava. So many faces, so many lives. While browsing through Mr. Kaifer’s life the calm atmosphere and incorruption of the countryside breaths at us from his photographs, aspects that many of us seek in watching old black and white films.
Mila Štáfek approached capturing his week with such lightness that despite the use of black and white photographs, one can feel how colorful and playful his life is, which swept us off our feet. This week testifies that one does not need to be a professional photographer to be able to capture one’s life with all that’s part of it and in addition, have fun while doing it.


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