Editor`s Choice

všetko dobre dopadlo
Today’s Editor’s Choice is in its way very unique. Every Tuesday and Friday, we try to select a week which somehow stands out from the recent batch of sets and this time, it was the uniqueness of Stefania Spisakova’s week called ‘It all turned out well‘ that caught our attention. Stefania gives us a dose of intense emotions, feelings and love for those closest to her. Recently her daughter Natalie suffered some serious health problems and Stefania’s will to photograph suddenly faded. Fortunately, Natalie’s health has dramatically improved and Stefania returned to document her life through Week of Life. We hope to see more weeks filled with smiles, as this one was, and wish Natalie all the best.
7th-hot in here!
When today's selection was to be decided, the office was hesitant at first, but then made a unanimous decision and chose Premysl Cech’s week called 7th - hot in here! One of the main reasons behind this decision was the extreme variety of photographic styles - the combination of black and white, contrast between nature and the city, the use of standard lenses as well as the fish eye, etc. - that Premysl managed to squeeze out his week . Usually, we like and come back to weeks that have a repeating yet still original signature style. Therefore, Premysl's week may seem as a bunch of confusing images and all over the place. On the other hand, this is exactly the virtue of originality with which he managed to make his week interesting and at the same time tell us that he is not afraid of experimenting with photography.
šťastné dny obyčejného mého JÁ
Every person feels at ease around his or her loved ones and together they share treasured moments, no matter if they are common or extraordinary. Karla Eggrová has presented such a week as her first in the Week of Life project and named it 'Happy days of the common ME'. The photos are covered with a grey tone, but despite the absence of color, Karla shows her life is packed with unique moments and filled with emotions. Her technique is good, her descriptions are even better, but what we value the most is the fact that the vast amount of her photos capture people.
Vypečený týden
We'll have today's Editor's Choice well done, or rather a Week well done. This little anecdote goes hand in hand with the name of Nada Mankova's long awaited week and the photographs capturing the desired vacation are proof enough that it was all worth waiting for. It's almost a fairy tale atmosphere in the Vysocina region of the Czech Republic, full of relaxation and new experience that Nada will remember forever. The color toning of her images, attention to detail and elaborate descriptions - these are just some of the reasons to set aside a few minutes and enjoy the week thoroughly in peace.
týden plný dětí
Today’s Editor‘s Choice – Jana Jirusova. Her fifth week came after a long pause that lasted almost 8 months. That is a long time, but nevertheless, her set is packed with great photographs. ‘A week full of kids’, a very aptly named set of photos, captures the positive and entertaining atmosphere that usually surrounds children. Jana easily managed to fit in her perspective into the set of 63 photos and added very extensive descriptions. We do however have some small ‘advice’ for Jana. We urge her to submit her next week earlier than in another 8 months. Her weeks are really worth seeing regularly.


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