Editor`s Choice

pátý (červencový)
An honest black and white week. This is one way of describing today’s Editor’s Choice. The week with the name “Fifth (July)” from Ales Stribrsky is a prototype of how a set in the Week of Life project may look like. Black and white editing gives it a nice touch and adds depth to the content and its descriptions, altogether creating a compact week resembling a set of documentary photography. It’s a week that catches many different activities such as construction work, home chores, shopping, entertainment and a very interesting vernissage, which the author enjoyed, just like we enjoyed his week.
When talking about fish harvest, most of us think of dreary cold weather, the intrusive stink of fish and mud as far as you can see. However, that is only the culmination of an all year effort which a few weeks later results in the fish served on your plates during Xmas. Now it's summer, yet we have a 'fishy' week available from Jan Watzek, a student at the faculty of fisheries and water preservations and no newbie in the Week of Life project. As a result, we have the chance to look into this unusual field of study and as a bonus at the end of the week, we can feel the atmosphere that is evident from photos taken at a folklore festival.
Holiday weeks - Part One - Benelux
Juraj | Carpenter, | Canada | 7/1/2011
Every Tuesday and Friday each week, the Week of Life Editor's Choice is given to a week which somehow catches our attention. At times, it takes a while to select the right one. On other occasions, the selection is immediate. Today's choice, a holiday set of Juraj Sucharda called Holiday Weeks - Part One - Benelux, fits the latter decision-making process as the selection was obvious. The week is full of emotional photographs of his family, friends and the atmosphere of places where he and his family spent their vacation. The technique is brilliant and the monochromatic style along with great descriptions of individual days invites us to visit the week more than once, making it a pleasant necessity to view the set over and over again.
Týden první - kyjevský
Summer is the time of new discoveries in foreign countries. Most of the time people travel to seaside resorts to make most of the sun, enjoy swimming, national landmarks, culture and local gastronomy. However, there are others who decide to travel the opposite way in order to visit their desired destinations. Jan Straka is among such 'adventurers', who in his premier week called 'The first-Kiev week' captured an all-male trip to the capital city of Ukraine to discover the atmosphere of this post-communist country. This week is well-done, full of interesting memories and gained experience you don't see every day and we hope that today's selection will be motivation enough for many more weeks in the future.
Yulia | Designer, | Russia | 6/24/2011
After nearly a six month pause, Yulia Shipova decided to continue in the photo-documentation of her creative and diverse life. As a designer, her life is widely interesting and it is evident from her sets. Each of her weeks includes a series of creative detail shots and she keeps to this tradition in her newest week, to which Yulia gave an apt name, '2'. It does not however indicate that it is her 2nd week overall, but it is the 2nd week in a row after her long break. Will this number keep rising? Well, many of the Week of Life members certainly hope so. Let today's selection be the right motivation for this number to rise even further.


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