Editor`s Choice

Late winter & my friends
Аня | Student, | Russia | 3/28/2011
According to the calendar, spring begins on the 21st of March. Now, it is at its peak. Cherries and strawberries are nice and red and the swimming pools are welcoming their first guests. Does anyone even remember how the weather was two months ago? Some people were still skiing, but the thermometer was already showing spring temperatures. For people living in Prague and other central European cities, the beginning of spring means pleasant temperatures and quite a lot of sun. Elsewhere, for example in Russia, this time of the year is still packed with snow and winter temperatures. Student Ania Lipman has caught this kind of winter atmosphere in her week called Late winter & my friends. Apart from this winter theme, the week mainly consists of Anya’s studies. In any case, is the snow already gone by now? Perhaps the author of today’s selection could give us the answer in her next up-to-date week.
Obyčajný týždeň? Nie - prvý pre WOL! :)
Every new member that joins the ever evolving Week of Life photographic library is more than welcome at the Editor's office. Recently, the project has reached two milestones - 2000 weeks and 3000 members. Mikulas Štec, photographer from Košice, Slovakia, is one of the new members that helped the project reach its milestones. He named his first week in quite an original fashion "An ordinary week? No - the first one for WoL! The name itself suggests he meant to enter the project in an extraordinary manner. And in a way, he succeeded and introduced his life and surroundings full of people in form of 63 black and white photographs. As a result, he left us with no choice other than to make his set today's selection.
A camera is a tool that is nowadays available to a much wider spectrum of people than it used to. Hence, many feel that buying a camera is enough to master the art of photography, but in the end, they barely know a thing about it. However, we can easily say just the opposite about today's selection, a new photographer in the project who really has mastered the skill. Milada Píchová has shown us her file full of traveling and intimate moments, immediately receiving more than a positive response from the other members of the project. Let's just hope it will encourage her enough to submit more weeks in the future. If so, we really have something to look forward to.
Týden LXIX
A week that no one expected - that could be the description of Lubomír Budný's week named LXIX, with which he finalized his year of life. In his beginnings as a member of the project, he was deciding if he should use color or a black and white combination to present his life with. In the end, he selected the monochromatic perspective and started supplying us with one week after the other. Gradually, he fine-tuned his black and white sets and managed to create a series of well-executed and energetic photographs. Consequently, most of us were expecting another black and white set this week. However, we were all mistaken. Lubomír surprised us with a perfect week full of color. It gave his week a much needed boost in terms of atmosphere and distinguished itself from the other sets, which at times seemed a little too depressive. Additionally, it leaves you with the need of wanting more and makes you come back to absorb more of that positive atmosphere. Based on the various reactions and comments, we all hope that Lubomír decides to document his life in color more often.
Svatý týden
In the Week of Life project, next to name and location, we can also see the profession of a member. In the case of Lukáš Augustyn, the significance of this information has totally different measures. On his path of life, as well as in our selection, he chose the profession of a listener, making us wonder what it may represent. However, anyone who follows Lukas' weeks knows that his path leads to God and his photographs portray the spiritual environment he lives in. His 'Holy week' is today's Editor's Choice, capturing the holiest of Christian holidays, the Easter. The week that starts with a Palm Sunday and ends with a Holy Saturday shows us how Christians still celebrate these holidays today.


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