Editor`s Choice

Tomův první týden - od deště k dešti
The weather in the Czech Republic this summer is really trying our patience. We are nervously awaiting the time when we will be able to enjoy the sun and various activities next to a lake or a swimming pool. One day of nice weather, two at most, is usually followed by a cold and rainy week. Did this gloomy weather persuade Tomas Cerny to document his first week for the Week of Life project? Perhaps, since he named it Tom’s week – from rain to more rain. The weather is not on our side lately, but Tomas managed to put together a very good week, which is today’s selection of the Editor’s office. A number of quality images and detailed descriptions warrant an entertaining sight.
Za gymnastikou do Lausanne - 2.cast
A group of friends, gymnastics and Lausanne, a world famous Swiss city and home to the World Olympic Committee - all of this is included in today's Editor's Choice. The author of this week is no other than Lenka Vizdalova, who once again managed to show us the world of gymnastics and everything around it, including her team, in her week named Lausanne-bound for gymnastics - part 2. The week is very colorful and full of exciting moments from the exhibition and behind the scene snapshots. These images are probably typical for Lenka and her life full of sports, but the rest of us have the opportunity to see something we do not see every day.
Týden sedmý, s promocí (ne mojí)
The number 7 is a lucky charm for many of us. If it applies to the author of today's Editor's Choice Petr Elias, we don't know for sure, but it is the seventh week of the author's work in the project and offers a great deal of amazing images pleasant to the eye of the Week of Life member. A rich and well-enjoyed week full of summer atmosphere, where Petr's great vision has met his perfect technique and sense for colors, is a perfect example of a well-documented week for the Week of Life project.
Týden s letním koncem
Rarely do you find someone who likes the beginning of a week and the thoughts one has on a Monday morning are usually targeted at the upcoming weekend. That is definitely the case of David Bares’ week named The week when summer ended. It’s full of images from work Monday to Friday, from the reconstruction of his flat, and many other events and activities that he was able to capture with his camera. The turn of the week comes on a Saturday, when the weekend full of a much needed rest and a number of exhausting summer activities begins. David covered his week with a black and white coating and as he claims himself, he immediately formatted his card after submitting this week, in order to document another week, which we can expect will be as good as this one, selected as today’s Editor’s Choice.
Uduorp Itorp
Who remembers the times when we went to summer camps as children? Do you recall when you spent ten or more days away from home, sleeping in a tent or a small hut? For many of us, it's a long gone memory. For some, however, it is as current as today's newspaper and they enjoy it every year, even during adulthood. There is a lot to enjoy during a well-planned summer camp - eating from a mess kit, sleeping under a clear sky, roasting small sausages on a bonfire, playing cowboys and Indians and many other unforgettable activities. Milan Novak has showed us these activities and more in his week Uduorp Itorp ('up-stream' spelled backwards), today's selection for the Editor's Choice. When going through individual days, we're sure that many of you will think back and reminisce about the good old days at summer camp.


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