Editor`s Choice

Barvy Maroka 2
Roman Jaroš has brought an exotic dose of colors and scents in his week from Morocco, a country of vast opportunities. In any case, it is heaven for photography, since Roman’s week bursts with images capturing the wonders of nature, as well as the ordinary life of the locals. Traveling often has the ability to influence our lives in so many ways, bringing us unusual and unforgettable moments.
Kaspyho 21.týden - spát, jíst, spát, jíst...
It’s always interesting to follow individual members and how their lives change, evolve and how much it all reflects on their respective weeks. And Kamil Kašpárek’s life is no exception. All of the attention is now on this little human being called Benjamin, his son. Yet, Kamil continues in his well-developed trend and his weeks are still full of the positive energy we have all become acquainted with.
Rok poté
Precisely one year later, Martina Kaderková is here with a new week and she comes back to us in great style. Her profession, the environment and people she works with all make her life filled with emotions and the effort to help the ones in need. On top of that, Martina's ability to sensitively capture her life on photographs makes her weeks ever so strong and endearing. And if it means we have to wait another year for her next week, we are more than happy to wait.
dvaAdvacátý týden Nohy
Since Jan stopped visiting WoL on a regular basis, his weeks have become sporadic as the occasional flash of lightning. One would think his sets no longer offer anything new and the content is predictable at best, but on the contrary, he proves us wrong yet again with his newest Twenty-second set, coated with a warm atmosphere pleasant to the eye. Jan's creativity is without boundaries and is amongst the many reasons why we always welcome his contribution to the project, giving us a daily dose of his ideas, only for us to return back to our lives fulfilled and satisfied.
Týden LIII
Over the last year, Lubomír Budný has gone a long way since he regularly started submitting his weeks to Week of Life. He has found his style of expressing himself and despite a few setbacks and minor crises, as he claimed he had several of, the final result remained unaffected. By visiting his weeks, we can now be sure that we will not be disappointed. The last week called LIII has however struck us with somewhat of a new atmosphere, caused by a higher contrast in his photos, making the overall experience much more intensive.


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